
Immunity comes in many disgusting flavors: qualified, prosecutorial, judicial, absolute, sovereign, and more.  The only form of it that should exist is immunity from disease.  There is absolutely nothing whatsoever about its other forms in the Constitution.  Immunity is merely a legal doctrine created by our wonderful judiciary members to protect themselves from justice.  It is a concept whereby it absolves wrongdoers from accountability, which is a really bad thing.  

Similar to communism, the theory of immunity is great on paper; in reality, not so much.  The premise of it is that judges, prosecutors, peace officers, and others need to be assured that errors in their on-the-job decisions cannot later be used in lawsuits against them.  Such “independence” is required so that people in these positions can do their jobs without fear of being sued, or so the story goes.

In reality, the overwhelming majority of the time, immunity is used as a shield to protect miscreants from deliberate wrongdoing.  Government employees abuse, fine, arrest, kill, incarcerate, or do other contemptible things to people they don’t like.....then quickly jump behind the shield of immunity they have graciously bestowed upon themselves.

Such immunity is provided to members of the system for deliberate criminal behavior, but not to members of the public for inadvertent honest mistakes.  Mind you, the former emanates from people who know better.  Unquestionably, the aforementioned logic is completely backwards.  This post provides an example that makes the preceding point.

The first half of the comparison concerns a former nurse, RaDonda Vaught, who was criminally prosecuted for a fatal drug error in 2017 and convicted after a three-day trial in Nashville, Tennessee, that understandably gripped nurses across the country.  Apparently, there were safeguards in place, but if the facts of the case are examined, it becomes clear that culpability stretches far beyond just Ms. Vaught.  In a nutshell, she administered the wrong drug to a patient who later died.

Although she is supposed to serve no jail time, Vaught's trial has been closely watched by nurses and medical professionals across the United States, many of whom worry it could set a dangerous precedent for criminalizing medical mistakes.  Such errors are generally handled by professional licensing boards or civil courts.  Criminal prosecutions like Vaught's case are allegedly rare, but the way the legal system “works” these days, that may soon change.

Understandably, members of the medical community are quite concerned about the case and its results.  They perform jobs in which life and death often turn on split-second decisions.  Neither they nor Ms. Vaught, unfortunately, are part of an organization that can give itself or its members immunity.  With the demands and stress of everyday work exceedingly high on individuals in this profession—and now even higher due to the pandemic over the last two-plus years—prospective medical candidates may think twice about pursuing a career that is premised on trying to help others, lest they be punished for trying to do so.

The flip side of this example concerns several different legal cases all balled up into one in which I’ve been the victim of not just evil actions, but outright crime, by members of the system.  Thus far, despite daily complaints to the Department of Injustice and Office of Inspector General, occasional complaints against lawyers and judges, and recent lawsuits against the perpetrators, nobody has stepped up to the plate.  In fact, they’ve done the exact opposite: either denied the undisputable evidence altogether or cowardly hid behind immunity.

Rather than repeating everything here, a video “highlighting” the misconduct can be found on this page.  The first link on that page also has mountains of physical evidence of the crimes that have been committed by many members of our illustrious legal system.  Instead of being dragged off to the Black Bar Hotel where they belong, the offenders continue to wreak havoc on other average Americans—with one exception: the judge I filed a complaint against has since coincidentally retired.

The bottom line is that immunity is about as useful to everyday people as gasoline is to putting out a fire.  This post demonstrates that it's perfectly fine to commit intentional crimes with impunity if the offender is on the right team—and get paid with taxpayer money while doing so—but mistakes made by ordinary people will not go unpunished.  This is outrageous!  We must do whatever we can to stop this grave injustice.   We must act before the ramifications of inaction affect us.  Just a few minutes of time every week is all it takes.  If each one of us does this, the problem will evaporate almost overnight.  Visit this link for information about how your miniscule time contribution of three minutes per week can make an enormous impact to yourself, to loved ones, and to posterity.